Thursday, March 25, 2010

teacher says, pupils follow

yesterday, i carried out oral test for 6c. and due to the period had ended and i still needed to finish up with these two boys, i called them to the class next door (the children of that class went to take wudhu' for their agama class).

as they could barely write and read in Malay, even more English i gave this first boy a pencil. and asked him to draw. (yes, they only copy excercises in my class and this first boy always does not bring his excercise book).

i asked him to draw a boy. 'Tak tau, teacher', he simply replied. 'A boy', and i pointed at him. the other friends next to him told him to draw a boy (in Malay). so he drew.
and asked him to also draw a girl, and a teacher. he drew, with the help of his friends translation.

i pointed to the teacher that he drew. 'Who is this? This is a..' i waited for him to finish up my sentence. he did not. his friends said, teacher. and he repeated. i pointed to the girl and the same thing happened. lastly, i pointed at the boy, with the same question. the friends said, 'Kita diam wei, biar dia sebut!' silence. 'Who is this?' i asked again. i waited for the word boy to come out from his mouth. silence. i got irritated. 'Who is this? a pondan?' i said, synically.

and he said, 'A pondan'.
we burst out.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

yang terbaik untuk diriku

sebagai seorang murid dan pelajar, aku sangat tidak suka (if i use hate it would sound very mean) kepada guru-guru yang emo dan selalu naik angin pada pelajar. bukan juga aku suka pada guru yang terlalu menurut pelajar kerana aku akan jadi malas pada pelajaran yg diajar oleh guru2 yang terlalu easy on the students.
jadi bila aku jadi cekgu, aku jadi guru yang tegas tapi friendly. budak2 akan terus diam bila aku tinggikan suara ataupun aku pegi pada diorang. pengajaran berfokus dan ada masanya bila aku bagitau budak, 'today we will do activities' they would go Yeay! because this means, singing, games, quiz etc. i have to do this because of two reasons; 1) i want them to love english and 2) i want to hear them laugh and laugh with them
tapi bila budak2 naik tocang, dan menoda kesabaran aku sebagai seorang guru, aku selalu wish dan bertekad untuk menjadi seperti guru yang mereka takuti agar mereka duduk dgn tenang dan menulis di meja masing2. guru yang mengherdik sehingga aku sendiri pon takut. dan beberapa kali juga aku cuba memarahi budak mengikut cara itu. perkataan-perkataan itu tak keluar. tak dapat keluar.
biarla guru2 lain menjeling ataupun datang ke kelas aku utk marah budak bising semasa aku dalam kelas sebab ingat takdak cekgu (kemudian patah balik bila nampak aku ada) sebab aku tau apa aku buat, dan apa yg aku nak.
aku cuma mau yang terbaik untuk budak2 tu. kalaulah diorang dan MAK BAPAK diorang boleh paham.